The game is desgined according to the following requirements:
User enters desired number of grids and a difficulty level between 1 to 3.
Program draws the grids, displays game title, start button and score on the top.
Once user clicks on the start button, the game commences but other clicks should be ignored.
Implement the gameplay, which includes displaying ten squares on the grid one after the other.
Display the current square number (1 to 10) at the top. Each square should occupy a random box
the grid. A square would only stay on screen for a period of 2, 1.5 or 1 seconds, corresponding
difficulty levels of 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
Let the user play the game with mouse. Objective of the game is to shoot (click) as many squares
possible. A hit increases the score and a miss deducts the score by one. Only the clicks inside
boundaries should be entertained. If a square is successfully hit, its colour should change to
user an indication of success.
Once the time is elapsed for all ten squares, replace the box number at the top with the